Baseball's Home Run King Takes On A New Sport: Dog Shows

Photo: Twitter/Westminster Dog Show

Photo: Twitter/Westminster Dog Show

On Sunday, Wasabi the Pekingese won Best In Show at the Westminster Dog Show. This is the second Best In Show win for Wasabi’s owner, David Fitzpatrick, who was ready to celebrate with Wasabi. Fitzpatrick said:

"He can have a filet mignon and I'll have champagne."

Westminster Dog Show viewers also saw a new face on Sunday—at least new to dog shows. Baseball fans may have been surprised to see Barry Bonds, who has the most career home runs in MLB (Major League Baseball), at the show. It turns out Bonds is the owner of a miniature schnauzer named Rocky in the Westminster Dog Show. Bonds is quite the dog-lover as he owns another miniature schnauzer named Apollo, who was ranked first in the country in 2018. His dogs (Rocky and Apollo) are named after characters in the Rocky movies because he loves the series and used to live next to Sylvester Stallone.

Rocky won Select Dog Honore of his group, which is essentially third place. Though Rocky did not win his group, Bonds was still very proud that he made it this far. He told reporters:

"The reward is getting here. He qualified, and that's the reward. It's like I sit there and say, when I played baseball, it's just getting there. I've been to a lot of playoffs, and I've been to the World Series and I've never won. But for 22 years, I kept trying.”