The Most Talked About Sports Moments of 2019

Because you’re going to need something to talk about until midnight while sipping champagne.

Sports Curious presented by Last Night's Game, is here to take the awkward out of conversation and help you join the sports conversation, even if you don't know the first thing about sports. We breakdown what's happening in sports in an easy to understand, fun way without all of the statistics and jargon so you never have to exit stage left when the chatter at the office, dinner table or a networking event switches to sports.

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1. Clearly one of the most talked about sports moments of the year, even the decade, is the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team’s back-to-back World Cup wins. This year’s team turned their win from a moment into a movement, using the victory as a platform to elevate the inequities in the workplace for women. After facing their own pay dispute battle, they’ve seen how their world stage can have a larger sense of purpose. (Oh and did we mention the team’s jerseys became the highest-selling soccer shirts in Nike’s history)? STANDING UP FOR CHANGE

2. One word – Tiger. His April win at the Masters had the country on the edge of their seats. His comeback victory ended an 11-year drought since his last championship and it was sweet. REDEMPTION

3. We didn’t think there were any records left for gymnast Simone Biles to break and she went and proved us wrong. She landed a gravity defying triple-double to win her record sixth U.S. Gymnastics Championship national all-around title. The move, now called the “Biles,” consists of two flips and three twists. TO THINK, WE GET CONFUSED ORDERING A LATTE WITH MORE THAN ONE SHOT

4. Canadians proved they don’t have a one-track hockey mind, rallying around their Toronto Raptors as they won their first NBA (National Basketball Association) title. With superfan Drake as the president of the fan club, the Raptors became the first team based in or originating in Canada to win an NBA title. They also made history with the biggest championship rings everWE THE NORTH

5. It was the sign that made everyone laugh and then paid off big time. Carson King held up a sign during “College GameDay” asking viewers to Venmo him money for Busch Light. After a huge response, King decided to do something for good with the money. The beer company and Venmo matched donations and they ended up raising a ton of money for a children’s hospital in Iowa. Even though the story has a happy ending, it went off course in the middle. A reporter dug up tweets King posted when he was a teenager that caused Busch to cut ties with an apologetic King. In the end, the 24-year-old still raised over $3 million for the children’s hospital. YOU LIVE, YOU LEARN, YOU HELP OTHERS 

Honorable mention - Former NFL player and Heisman trophy winner O.J. Simpson joined Twitter and then tweeted that he has "got a little gettin' even to do."

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